
Adobe Cloud Application Install

Download and install

Download your first purchased app

  1. Sign in to your Adobe account with your Adobe ID and password.
  2. In the Creative Cloud apps Catalog click the ‘Download’ button on the app you want to download. Your app will begin to download.
  3. On your desktop, double-click the downloaded file to launch the installer.

On a Mac:
The name of the downloaded file is _Installer.dmg.

On a Windows PC:
The name of the downloaded file is _Set-Up.exe.

  1. Once the installer window opens, sign in to your Adobe account with your Adobe ID and password if you’re not already signed in.
  2. Fill out the short questionnaire that opens on your screen and click Continue.
  3. Click Start Installingto install your app.

Once installed, your app will launch automatically.


To download mobile apps, visit the Mobile apps catalog.


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