
Blackboard – Adding a URL (External Website)


There are two methods for adding a URL or Link to an external website in Blackboard

METHOD 1: Through Building Content

  1. Open the learning plan folder
  2. Make sure Edit View is On
  3. Mouse over Build Content and click on Web Link
  4. Type in the Name, paste or type the URL and add any text needed.
  5. There is also an option for adding a document to the URL content area.

METHOD 2: Hyperlink

Within any other type of content a URL may be included

  1. Open the learning plan folder
  2. Make sure the Edit View is On
  3. Click on the double arrow drop down menu in the content item to which the URL will be added and choose Edit
  4. Type in the name of the text to be hyperlinked and highlighted the text
  5. Click the link button in the text editor

6. Type or Paste the URL
7. Drop down on the Target Menu and Choose Open in New Window

      8. Type in the title (for screen reader)
9. Put a check-mark next to open link in new window
10. Click submit

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