
Blackboard – Adding Mashups (Youtube, Flicker, Slideshare)


  • A Mashup is a web page or application that user or combines data or functionality from two or many more external sources to create a new service. Blackboard has made it easy to add Videos, Images & Power Poin5ts to your Blackboard Courses.

Currently, there are three types of Mashups that are available in Blackboard.

  1. YOU TUBE – Select videos from others or upload your own videos to You Tube and insert them using the mash up tool.
  2. FLICKR – All Flickr photos available in the mashup are creative commons and can be used without copyright violation. You may also upload your own images to Flickr and insert them using the mashup tool.
  3. Slide Share – Power Points from other source can be inserted into Blackboard via the SlideShare mashup. Your own Power Points may also be loaded into SlideShare & Inserted in your course using the mashup. (Be aware that Slide Share does not bring in animations or narration)
  4. Third Party Tools such as Atomic Learning may also use Mash Ups

To Add a You Tube Video Using Mashup

  1. Open the learning plan folder where the video will be loaded
  2. Mouse over Build Content
  3. click on You Tube Video
  4. Type your search criteria into the search text box
  5. A list of related videos will appear Previewing and Selecting the video is completed in this area.
  6. After selecting the video, a text editor box is available for adding instructions or Key Points.
  7. In the Mashup options choose between a thumbnail text link with player or embed video


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